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Welcome to the Mosqlimate API documentation

The Mosqlimate API is focused on providing automatable access to both Data and Forecasting models for arbovirus diseases.


The Data access part of it, also called datastore, gives access to Disease notification data, relevant climate time series, such as temperature and precipitation, and Mosquito abundance data. The geographical scope of the API is Brazil, at the level of municipality.


The model part of the API, is called Model Registry, and it allows registered users to upload metadata about open-source forecasting models that use Mosqlimate data. To register a model, a user needs to:

  • Have an account on the platform;
  • Have the code of her model in a GitHub repository.


Another kind of information that can be uploaded here, are the forecasts generated by the models. The Forecasts uploaded are used to populate our forecast dashboard, where the models can be visually compared in their ability to forecast dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases.


Detailed usage instructions with code examples can be found in the specific documentation of each of the API endpoint. For uploading models and predictions into the platform, an account is required. We encourage all users to register anyway so that we have an idea of who is using the platform, and target our development efforts to the needs of this community of practice.