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Climate time series

Through this API endpoint, you can fetch several climate variables that have been extracted for all brazilian municipalities from the satellite-based reanalysis data provided by Copernicus ERA5. These series are on a daily timescale.

Parameters Table


Parameter name Required Type Description
*page yes int Page to be displayed
*per_page yes int How many items will be displayed per page (up to 100)
start yes str (YYYY-mm-dd) Start date
end yes str (YYYY-mm-dd) End date
geocode no int IBGE's municipality code
uf no str (UF) Two letters brazilian's state abbreviation. E.g: SP

Output (items)

Parameter name Type Description
date date (YYYY-mm-dd) Day of the year
geocodigo int IBGE's municipality code
temp_min float (°C) Minimum daily temperature
temp_med float (°C) Average daily temperature
temp_max float (°C) Maximum daily temperature
precip_min float (mm) Minimum daily precipitation
precip_med float (mm) Average daily precipitation
precip_max float (mm) Maximum daily precipitation
precip_tot float (mm) Total daily precipitation
pressao_min float (atm) Minimum daily sea level pressure
pressao_med float (atm) Average daily sea level pressure
pressao_max float (atm) Maximum daily sea level pressure
umid_min float (%) Minimum daily relative humidity
umid_med float (%) Average daily relative humidity
umid_max float (%) Maximum daily relative humidity


page consists in the total amount of Items returned by the request divided by per_page. The pagination information is returned alongside with the returned request. E.g.:

'pagination': {
    'items': 10,                      # Amout of Items being displayed 
    'total_items': 10,          # Total amount of Items returned in the request
    'page': 1,                         # *request parameter
    'total_pages': 1,            # Total amount of pages returned in the request
    'per_page': 100             # *request parameter

Note: for fetching a big amount of pages, please consider using Async code

Usage examples

import requests

climate_api = ""

page = 1 # total amount of pages is returned in the request
per_page = 100
pagination = f"?page={page}&per_page={per_page}&"
filters = "start=%s&end=%s" % ("2022-12-30", "2023-12-30")

resp = requests.get(climate_api + pagination + filters)

# Or you can add a geocode to the filters
geocode = 3304557
resp = requests.get(
    climate_api + 
    pagination + 
    filters +

items = resp.json()["items"] # JSON data in dict format
resp.json()["pagination"] # Pagination*

climate_api <- ""
page <- "1"
pagination <- paste0("?page=", page, "&per_page=100&")
filters <- paste0("start=2022-12-30&end=2023-12-30")

url <- paste0(climate_api, pagination, filters)
resp <- GET(url)
content <- content(resp, "text")
json_content <- fromJSON(content)

items <- json_content$items
pagination_data <- json_content$pagination
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

# Or you can add a geocode to the filters
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

*The response's pagination contain information about the amount of items returned by the API call. These information can be used to navigate between the queried data by changing the page parameter on the URL. See details

Example using the mosqlient package

The mosqlient is a Python package created to facilitate the use of API.

In the package, there is a function called get_climate that returns a pandas DataFrame with the data. This function accepts as filters the parameters start_date, end_date, geocode, and uf, with the same types defined in the parameters table above.

Below is a usable example of fetching data from the 3304557 (Rio de Janeiro) city.

from mosqlient import get_climate

# return a pd.DataFrame with the data 
df = get_climate(
    end_date = '2023-01-30',
    geocode = 3304557)