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Episcanner parameters

EpiScanner Data

Here you get access to Real-time Epidemic Scanner data from the Epi-Scanner tool, co-developed by the InfoDengue project. These data, described below, are based on the analyze of the expansion of dengue, zika and chikungunya in Brazil using up-to-date incidence data from Infodengue.

Parameters Table


Parameter name Required Type Description
disease yes str Specific disease. Options: dengue, zika, chik
uf yes str (UF) Two letters brazilian's state abbreviation. E.g: SP
year no int Specific year. Default: current year


Parameter name Type Description
disease str dengue, zika or chik
CID10 str Disease's ICD code
year int Year analyzed
geocode int City's geocode
muni_name str City's name
peak_week float Estimated epidemiological week of the peak of the epidemic
beta float Transmissibility rate
gamma float Recovery rate
R0 float Basic reproduction number
total_cases int Annual total number of cases
alpha float Parameter of the Richard's model
sum_res float Sum of residuals (see documentation)
ep_ini str Estimated starting week of the epidemic. Format: YYYYWW
ep_end str Estimated Ending week of the epidemic. Format: YYYYWW
ep_dur int Estimated duration of the epidemic in weeks

Usage examples

import requests

episcanner_api = ""

params = {
    "disease": "dengue",
    "uf": "SP"

resp = requests.get(episcanner_api, params=params)

items = resp.json() # JSON data in dict format

episcanner_api <- ""

params <- list(
    disease = "dengue",
    uf = "SP"

resp <- GET(episcanner_api, query = params)

items <- fromJSON(rawToChar(resp$content))
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-d ''