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Mosquito Abundance Data

Here you get access to mosquito abundance data from the Contaovos project, co-developed by the Mosqlimate project. These data, described below, are based on eggtraps distributed throughout Brasil according to a monitoring design specified by the Ministry of Health.

The request requires an API key provided by Contaovos moderation. To more information, please access Contaovos website.

Parameters Table


Parameter name Required Type Description
key yes str ContaOvos API key
page yes int Page to be displayed


Parameter name Type Description
complement str Location complement
district str Location district
eggs int Eggs count
latitude float Ovitrap latitude
loc_inst str Ovitrap local specification
longitude float Ovitrap longitude
municipality str Municipality name
number str Location number
ovitrap_id str Ovitrap ID
ovitrap_website_id int
sector str (optional) Location sector
street str Location street
time str (date) RFC 1123 date format
user str ContaOvos user
week int Epidemiological week
year int Year

Usage examples

import requests

mosquito_api = ""

key = "contaovos-api-key"
page = 1
parameters = f"?page={page}&key={key}&"

resp = requests.get(mosquito_api + parameters)

items = resp.json() # JSON data in dict format

mosquito_api <- ""

key <- "contaovos-api-key"
page <- 1

url <- paste0(mosquito_api, "?page=", page, "&key=", key)
resp <- GET(url)

if (http_type(resp) == "application/json") {
  items <- content(resp, "parsed")
} else {
  cat("Request failed with status code:", resp$status_code, "\n")
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-d ''