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Fetch Predictions

Parameters Table

Parameter name Required Type Description
*page yes int Page to be displayed
*per_page yes int How many predictions will be displayed per page
id no int Prediction ID
model_id no int Model ID
model_name no str (icontains) Model name
model_ADM_level no int (0, 1, 2 or 3) Administrative level, options: 0, 1, 2, 3 (National, State, Municipality, Sub Municipality)
model_time_resolution no str (iexact) Options are: day, week, month or year
author_name no str (icontains) Author name
author_username no str Author username
author_institution no str (icontains) Author institution
repository no str (icontains) Github repository
implementation_language no str (icontains) Implementation language
temporal no bool Is the predition's model temporal?
spatial no bool Is the predition's model spatial?
categorical no bool Is the predition's model categorical?
commit no str Prediction git commit
predict_date no str (YYYY-mm-dd) Prediction modeling date
start no str (YYYY-mm-dd) Prediction modeling date after than
end no str (YYYY-mm-dd) Prediction modeling date before than


page consists in the total amount of Predictions returned by the request divided by per_page. The pagination information is returned alongside with the returned Predictions. E.g.:

'pagination': {
    'items': 10,                    # Amout of Predictions being displayed 
    'total_items': 10,        # Total amount of Predictions returned in the request
    'page': 1,                       # *request parameter
    'total_pages': 1,          # Total amount of pages returned in the request
    'per_page': 50             # *request parameter

Note: for fetching a big amount of pages, please consider using Async code

Usage examples

import requests

predictions_api = ""

page = 1
per_page = 5
pagination = "?page={page}&per_page={per_page}&"

# List all Predictions
requests.get(predictions_api + pagination).json()

# Filter by predict date
requests.get(predictions_api + pagination + "predict_date=2023-01-01").json()

# Filter using multiple parameters; predict date range
requests.get(predictions_api + pagination + "start=2023-01-01" + "&" + "end=2023-02-01").json()

# Advanced usage:
parameters = {
    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 50,
    # Add parameters here

def get_predictions(parameters: dict):
    predictions_api = ""
    parameters_url = "&".join([f"{p}={v}" for p,v in parameters.items()])
    return requests.get(predictions_api + parameters_url).json()


predictions_api <- ""

page <- 1
per_page <- 5
pagination <- paste0("?page=", page, "&per_page=", per_page, "&")

# List all Predictions
response_all <- GET(paste0(predictions_api, pagination))
predictions_all <- content(response_all, "text") |> fromJSON()

# Filter by predict date
predict_date <- "2023-01-01"
response_date <- GET(paste0(predictions_api, pagination, "predict_date=", predict_date))
predictions_date <- content(response_date, "text") |> fromJSON()

# Filter using multiple parameters; predict date range
start_date <- "2023-01-01"
end_date <- "2023-02-01"
filters_combined <- paste0("start=", start_date, "&", "end=", end_date)
response_combined <- GET(paste0(predictions_api, pagination, filters_combined))
predictions_combined <- content(response_combined, "text") |> fromJSON()

# Advanced Usage
parameters <- list(
  page = 1,
  per_page = 50
  # Add parameters here

get_predictions <- function(parameters) {
  predictions_api <- ""
  parameters_url <- paste0(names(parameters), "=", unlist(parameters), collapse = "&")
  response <- GET(paste0(predictions_api, parameters_url))
  predictions <- content(response, "text") |> fromJSON()

# List all Predictions
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

# Filter by predict date
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

# Filter using multiple parameters; predict date range
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Examples using the mosqlient package

The mosqlient is a Python package created to facilitate the use of API.

In the package, there is a function called get_predictions that returns a list of elements with information about the predictions. This function accepts as filters all the parameters in the parameters table above except page and per_page.

Below is a usable example of fetching the predictions filtering by model_disease and model_ADM_level.

from mosqlient import get_predictions

get_predictions(model_disease = 'dengue', model_ADM_level = 2)

Also, there is a specific function that filters the predictions by any parameter. This function is called get_models_by_{parameter}. The example below shows how it can be used to filter all the predictions from a specific model, referred to by hismodel_id, in the platform. Below is an example.

from mosqlient import get_predictions_by_model_id

get_predictions_by_model_id(model_id = 6)

The functions above return a list of prediction elements, each representing the metadata associated with a single prediction. To obtain a DataFrame from the prediction, you can use the code below:

from mosqlient import get_predictions_by_model_id    

preds = get_predictions_by_model_id(model_id = 6)

df_preds_0 = preds[0].to_dataframe()