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Inserting Models

The methods presented in this documentation generate real objects in database. To test Mosqlimate API request methods without inserting data, please refer to API Demo

Input parameters

Parameter name Type Description
name str Model name
description str or None Model description
repository str Github repository URL
implementation_language str Implementation language
disease str (iexact) Model disease. Options: Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya
temporal bool Is the model temporal?
spatial bool Is the model spatial?
categorical bool Is the model categorical?
ADM_level str (iexact) Administrative level, options: 0, 1, 2, 3 (National, State, Municipality, Sub Municipality)
time_resolution str (iexact) Options are: day, week, month or year
sprint bool Model for Sprint 2024/25

Implementation Language

Currently, Mosqlimate supports the following implementation languages:

Python C C# C++
CoffeeScript .NET Erlang Go
Haskell JavaScript Java Kotlin
Lua R Ruby Rust

If you don't see your Implementation Language in the list, please contact the moderation.


POST requests require User API Token to be called.

Usage examples

# Warning: this method generates real object in database if called with
# the correct UID Key
def post_model(
    name: str, 
    description: str, 
    repository: str, 
    implementation_language: str, 
    disease: Literal["dengue", "chikungunya", "zika"],
    temporal: bool,
    spatial: bool,
    categorical: bool
    adm_level: Literal[0, 1, 2, 3],
    time_resolution: Literal["day", "week", "month", "year"],
    sprint: bool = False
    url = ""
    headers = {"X-UID-Key": "See X-UID-Key documentation"}
    model = {
        "name": name,
        "description": description,
        "repository": repository,
        "implementation_language": implementation_language,
        "disease": disease,
        "temporal": temporal,
        "spatial": spatial,
        "categorical": categorical,
        "type": mtype,
        "ADM_level": adm_level,
        "time_resolution": time_resolution,
        "sprint": sprint
    return, json=model, headers=headers)

# Example
    name = "My Nowcasting Model",
    description = "My Model description",
    repository = "",
    implementation_language = "Python",
    disease = "dengue",
    temporal = False,
    spatial = True,
    categorical = False,
    adm_level = 0, # National
    time_resolution = "week",
    sprint = False

# Warning: this method generates real object in the database if called with
# the correct UID Key
post_model <- function(
) {
  url <- ""
  key = c("<USER>:<KEY>. See X-UID-Key documentation")
  names(key) <- 'X-UID-Key'
  model <- list(
    name = name,
    description = description,
    repository = repository,
    implementation_language = implementation_language,
    disease = disease,
    spatial = spatial,
    temporal = temporal,
    categorical = categorical,
    ADM_level = adm_level,
    time_resolution = time_resolution,
    sprint = sprint
  response <- POST(url, body = model, add_headers(.headers=key),  encode = "json", verbose())
  return(content(response, "text"))

# Example
  name = "My Nowcasting Model",
  description = "My Model description",
  repository = "",
  implementation_language = "R",
  disease = "dengue",
  spatial = TRUE,
  temporal = FALSE,
  categorical = TRUE,
  adm_level = 0,
  time_resolution = "week",
  sprint = FALSE,
curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'X-UID-Key: See X-UID-Key documentation' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "name": "My Nowcasting Model",
    "description": "My Model description",
    "repository": "",
    "implementation_language": "Python",
    "disease": "dengue",
    "spatial": true,
    "temporal": true,
    "categorical": true,
    "ADM_level": 0,
    "time_resolution": "week",
    "sprint": false

Examples using the mosqlient package

The mosqlient is a Python package created to facilitate the use of API.

In the package, there is a function called upload_model that can be used to save the models in the platform.

Below is a usable example of the function.

from mosqlient import upload_model

    name = "My Nowcasting Model",
    description = "My Model description",
    repository = "",
    implementation_language = "Python",
    disease = "dengue",
    temporal = False,
    spatial = True,
    categorical = False,
    adm_level = 0, # National
    time_resolution = "week",
    sprint = False,
    api_key = "X-UID-Key"