
This endpoint gives access to data from the Infodengue project, which provide a number of epidemiological variables for all the Brazilian municipalities on a weekly time scale.

 * Required inputs


Through this API endpoint, you can fetch several climate variables that have been extracted for all brazilian municipalities from the satellite-based reanalysis data provided by Copernicus ERA5. These series are on a daily timescale.

 * Required inputs


Here you get access to mosquito abundance data from the Contaovos project, co-developed by the Mosqlimate project. These data are based on egg traps distributed throughout Brasil according to a monitoring design specified by the Ministry of Health.

 * Required inputs


This endpoint retrieves information from the Epi-Scanner project, which provide analyzed data of the expansion of dengue, zika and chikungunya in Brazil using up-to-date incidence data from Infodengue.
If no year is provided, the default value will be the current year.

 * Required inputs